Got an awesome new job... It's a contract job so I hope it lasts a little while. :) had a really cool first day and then got to talk to my honey. He's so great. I was so sad to hear he got some really bad news and it amazes me how he holds things together until he's ready to deal. That strength is truly amazing. He made me laugh.... Quite a few times... Very hard. He makes me laugh and glow while he's dealing with some real hard stuff. How lucky am I to have a man like that in my life? I miss him terribly. Good days bad days blah days they all feel weird.... I just want to lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat and his voice from there.... Where I felt like there was only us two on earth.... :) prayers for his family.... And him.... XOXO
Be good to each other... Love.
My trials, errors and attempts to date and have a real relationship after years of failing at it. Totally enjoying the ride though...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
New Job
Sunday, November 27, 2011
yeah yeah, I'm a terrible blogger... whatever... lol
I had an amazing thanksgiving... truly I did... I got to spend alot of time with the fam, great food... really amazing food actually... and lots of laughs... and i even got a text from the guy I adore being randomly sweet and appreciative of me. the only thing that could have possibly made it any better for me would have been if he had been sitting beside me. here's some pics...
yummy salad my brother's girlfriend made... tasty...
below: the empanadas... it took me three attempts to get them right...
anyways besides all that.. I was just really in a fabulous mood... seriously.. the text... it wasn't much but it was more than enough... I really do appreciate the smallest things... :) y'all be good this week.. nothing too crazy..I'm praying for this job to call me back so I can start there... and quit the other place! lol
Monday, November 14, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Take it all with my love....
Acknowledge your feeling for me, while also calming my fears....
So I had to work over night last night, yeah it's a lot but it is almost over :) so I'm with my coworker he's a couple years older than me, attractive and friendly. Very helpful and nice guy and we've been working on the project for a while... So we've become friends. He's nice, not my type at all which is awesome since he's married and I'm worried about someone else completely... But I am very confused about something very weird. See I normally hardly ever wear makeup but had started wearing it on a semi regular basis. I'd get hit on occasionally but nothing big, so not really purposely I stopped wearing it all together out of sheer laziness and you woulda thought I had a sign on me saying free dates. I mean like some serious attention was being given... So I ask previously described coworker what gives?? He said that it was easy I was ruining my face with makeup (he was joking) LOL but seriously that I was more intimidating with it on.... What??? Guys are weird.
In the meantime I've been such a brat to my honeybun but it sucks he's been busy and I'm getting date offers like crazy. This is when I need to be reassured that I'm not in this alone. The dates aren't a big deal to pass on but if he's too busy to show me love then it makes me wonder what I'm waiting for..... I do adore him.... Completely. I just need to feel it.... That he's missing me like I am him..... Reassure me. Because it's scary without him.... And I will wait if I know I'm not doing it in vain....
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Selena did it best.... "Cause there's no where in the world I'd rather be, than here in your arms dreaming of you endlessly". His arms.
So I've been working like crazy... I need to get my tail to the passport office this week because my goal from January was to have my passport by my birthday... I haven't heard from him in a week.... But have heard from a few who would like to be him.... I've just chilled.... School and work.... Until he's back... I have walked it through in my mind a million times... Jumping into his arms and not letting go until he damn near drops me... :) strange how a week doesn't seem so long in retrospect.... But its all apart of being taught patience... I am learning.... xoxo night