Friday, September 23, 2011

betrayal.... and building....

this morning after class I went to help rebuild a house that belonged to a veteran. He was an older gentleman... so nice though, just amazed that all these people are up on their days off and completely overlhauling his home. we put in new siding, windows, a fresh coat of paint over everything, it was a real project! so much hard work! It was 90 degrees and not a cloud in sight... but when I left I felt great. I haven't done any type of just community service since my sorority days in college! (the first time lol) so that's the building part, let's get the to the betrayal....

A couple of months ago I heard about this awesome job that I would have loved to have. This job wasn't like a dream job, but it was a great job with awesome benefits that I would have just really enjoyed. I told a really good friend about it. Now let's pause and talk about this friend. This friend and I have been friends since around fall of 2000, through all our ups and downs we've been close. This friend has been out of work, and out of state until recently. While out of work and out of state, I would send money, and pretty much whatever I could do to help. Even now that this friend is working I would do all I could to help, I invite them out all the time, I always drive, spending my gas, time and money to try and get her out of the house, to have fun and go out and just enjoy spending time together. After a few years, things have become so very one sided. I mean things have been kind of ridiculous. So one afternoon, they hit me up and ask me if I want to go to lunch, I politely decline as I am at work, and running low on funds. This friend says oh it's on me... which is already a surprise, I think to myself, well that's nice, after all those years of me paying, they are finally going to pay for a meal, that's pretty cool. So I am like cool. what time because I had 30 more minutes of work. This friend says, oh I'm almost done, I was already here when I first text you. WTF?! why even call? because you were already eating and decided you looked lonely so I should drop everything and just rush over to catch you in mid-meal? What kind of lame idea was that? but, I digress, let me get back to the job. So I learned about this opportunity and told them that the only way to get this job is to basically check the online postings everyday. So that particular week I had been really swamped with work and school and as much as I wanted that other job I just hadn't checked the website. So I get a text from this friend saying to check the website and that the job posting is up, I immediately check it, (like literally within seconds of the text) and there are no postings for that job, I was like what the hell?? I guess they must have pulled it, I was disappointed but I figured that it was just my bad luck that I missed it. So a couple weeks later they're headed to training, meanwhile our friendship is the same. Then they start going on about how much they wish I would have gotten hired too... so many annoying details... all this just to find out that they knew about the posting and waited 3days, to tell me about it.... After I put them on that job, and after everything I had done.... I haven't lost faith in friendships. I just know that I need to quit mistaking longevity for loyalty. regardless, I will still keep that person in my prayers, those i no longer need them in my life.

I will definitely just spend more time on school and working to make my goals happen, regardless of those who may be more worried about their best interests. i keep lookin at  this picture... of how friendship used to be... and then I stop and ask myself why would someone keep me so close just to judge, and wish me ill... i guess that's just life... but frienamies I do not need.

moving on.... also planning to get my passport pics done tomorrow... still no clue where I'm going but it will be empowering just to have it....

so all in all... I feel like today was a win, I found out who my real friends are, and I helped rebuild the home of an american hero... that's definitely a win....

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